Thursday 11 May 2017

Arguments and Averages

What a busy few weeks we have had in class!!
Today the children continued their computing lessons with Miss Walker who is visiting us from Queen Ethelburga's school, every Thursday afternoon. The children have already learnt so much, in just 3 weeks, about simple programming tools using MicroBits and Miss Walker has been especially pleased with their attention and ability to take on board so much new information.

Writing - for the last 2 weeks we have been arguing a lot in class - or at least investigating and writing balanced arguments or discussions. The class have very much enjoyed looking at pros and cons of wearing school uniform and eating healthy or unhealthy foods. 

In maths we have developed data handling skills, dealing with statistics and trying to work out averages. This also led to lots of debate about rounding and measurement - who knew maths concepts could be interlinked!!!!???

Hopefully Learning Logs have arrived home. This terms topic is Blue Abyss and LL should be brought to school by Monday 12th June to be presented during that week.
