Friday 23 February 2018

Editing Big Write, improper fractions, Earth and Space.

This week we have been editing big write persuasive texts focusing on clarity and formal language. We have also been looking at improving our language and vocab choices. Today we have worked on expanded noun phrases using Harry Potter as inspiration as we near world book day. The children have been identifying nouns and adding adjectives to make their sentences more interesting and creative. They have even been adding multiple adjectives and changing sentence order to up-level their work.   

Our focus in maths this week has been on fractions and decimals. Over the past few days the children have been converting decimals to fractions and fractions to decimals. They have then moved on to converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

We have started our new science topic of Earth and Space this week. To start, the children brain stormed facts that they already knew about our planet and the rest of the universe. We shared some of these facts as a class and discussed what we would like to learn. To finish we watched educational videos from national geographic and Free School on Youtube about the sun, phases of the moon and what planets make up our solar system in the Milky Way. There are a lot of interesting documentaries on the internet and books about space; please encourage your child/children to explore some different ideas through these mediums.   

We are coming to a close with our Big Frieze work in RE; our art is following suit. To finalise our own version of the Big Frieze we have completed monoprinted words and moved on to creating our own Lowry inspired matchstick people. The children have had the chance to experiment with designing outfits and hairdos before we begin assembling the final piece.   

Our last investigation of the Big Frieze this week has entailed ‘framing’. This involved the children using miniature picture frames to pinpoint sections of a panel that were interesting, holy, puzzling etc. They then enlarged what was inside their frame and transferred it to A4 paper.